T-Shirt Design: Screen Printing Or Embroidery?
Custom t-shirts in Austin TX

If you are looking to put a logo or design onto a shirt or another article of clothing, there are a few choices you have to make before placing your order. One of the bigger choices you have to decide on is whether you are going to have your design created by having it screen [...]

Tips For Creating Wearable T-Shirt Designs
From your Screen printing company in Austin TX

Everyone, at one point in their life, has had that t-shirt - the favorite one that gets worn frequently and for years on end, and even when it is too worn out to wear, you still hold onto it folded in the back of your closet. Sometimes this shirt lands the title of “favorite” due [...]

2022-08-30T13:38:06-05:00May 16th, 2020|Categories: Design|Tags: , |

What is Victorian Embroidery?
Insights from Your Austin Embroidery Experts

Victorian embroidery is a type of embroidery that was popular during the Victorian era - the late 1800s into the early 1900s. Like the Victorians themselves, Victorian embroidery and sewing was about both function and form - it was both plan and fancy. During the hard-laboring 19th century, it was rare for women to have [...]

2022-08-30T13:37:33-05:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Embroidery|Tags: |

Caring for Your Screen Printed Designs
From Your Austin Screen Printing Experts

When you buy a custom t-shirt, towel, banner, or anything in between to promote your business, it is important that you know how to care for them. The last thing you want is for the cool, trendy shirts you just bought to bring to the trade show to be worn and ragged after a few [...]

Popular Promotional Items
Ideas from Your Austin Screen Printing Experts

One of the best ways to advertise your business or organization is through promotional items. There are so many practical and convenient items that your logo would look great on, some you might not have thought about yet! What item is best for promotional giveaways will vary greatly on the nature of your business. If [...]

Guide to Washing and Drying your Screen Printed T-Shirt
San Marcos Promotional Products

Everyone loves a great screen printed San Marcos T shirt! They can be the result of a custom gift from a loved one, a team you participate in, family reunion, a band you love, or an inside joke between friends. It is no wonder that most people have at least one screen printed shirt that [...]

The Benefits Of Tone-On-Tone Custom Embroidery In Austin
From Your Custom Embroidery Shop in Austin & San Marcos

Modern day fashion can sometimes feel overly flashy and even overwhelming at times. When you look at the often used trends in uniforms and team jerseys, you will see a lot of brightly colored tie dye, neon, and witty catch phrases. When you are making a decision for your company or group, it can be [...]

2022-08-30T13:35:49-05:00June 5th, 2019|Categories: Embroidery|Tags: , |
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