The nationwide precautions individuals and businesses have had to take during the COVID-19 pandemic have changed a lot of the ways in which people do business. For those who have taken the opportunity to adapt and grow, there are many great ways businesses can still make an impact using branded promotional products.
Even with COVID-19, there are still ways to keep your business in front of people who are searching for your products or services and to set you above the competition. Here we’ll be looking at promotional products ideas that can help raise your business awareness as well as have a positive impact for those receiving the items you decide to promote with.
Items Useful for Safety
Some of the best items you can promote with during COVID-19 are items that will help keep them safe during the pandemic. Not only are these items likely to be put to use, they also show that your business keeps people’s safety in mind. Ideas for these items include:
- No-Contact Openers – a small handle that can be kept on a keychain and used for opening doors and other handles, or for interacting with other high-touch surfaces, such as entering a PIN number on a pinpad.
- Keychain Sanitizer – hand sanitizer is being used in vast quantities this year, so a branded sanitizer that can easily be carried on a keychain will get plenty of use.
- Branded Masks – many companies have already started offering branded masks to their customers, so you won’t want to fall behind this trend. With citizens across the nation required to wear masks to keep each other safe, this is a very useful item to offer. Masks also offers great exposure for your brand; not many similar products allow people to wear your logo on their face. Masks are washable as well, so they can last a long time if you choose a quality material.
- Tissue Packets – small tissue packets can also be useful for people by giving them something to use to open doors, handle a credit card, or use a pinpad. These are easy for people to carry with them, especially in a backpack or purse.
Utilizing Your Promotional Products
When promoting with items that you expect to get a lot of use, such as masks and hand sanitizer during a pandemic, make sure that you put a lot of thought into your design and into the quality of your items.
Use a design that represents your business clearly and simply. A logo on a mask will be more readable and memorable after a glance that a slogan.
Also use high quality items. You won’t want your logo to come off or start flaking after a single wash. If you choose to promote with a hand sanitizer, make sure the plastic isn’t too thin. If recipients leave the sanitizer in their cars you don’t want the plastic bending from the Texas heat.
Looking for the perfect high quality promotional products for your branding campaign during COVID-19? Contact RiverCity Screenprinting & Embroidery in San Marcos, TX, and we’ll be happy to help you find the perfect option for your business.