Working with clients who were referred by people you know and get along with can often be more enjoyable than with people who you do not know. These people tend to be easier to get along with, and working with people you get along with and enjoy helping, increases your quality of life considerably. One way to increase this instance is by rewarding your referral sources, and keeping you and your services in their minds. This can be accomplished by giving out referral gifts, such as items that correlate with the most recent holiday, or events like the Super Bowl. In addition, anything that ties in with your industry is always helpful. There are hundreds of possible promotional items you can use, and it is great if you can get away from generic gifts like pens or pizza.
Choose an Industry Item
Choosing items that go along with the industry of your business helps establish a brand presence. A realtor might want to give out welcome mats to put at your front door, or a welcome home present. Or for the tech industry, a branded Amazon Echo, a thumb drive, or headphones can be something that is used a lot, and ties in with the services you provide. Or even better, a webcam cover, to show that you can provide security, and privacy is something you value. A plumber could provide a plunger, a dental professional could provide a toothbrush with a logo, and so on. There are a lot of different things you can do, but relevant items can help. Distill what the majority of your services are, and find a way to break it down to a gift that is used regularly and ties in with your products or services. An A/C repair man could provide handheld fans for hot days. A sporting goods store could provide a baseball with their logo on it. It will be up to you, but it doubles the power of the reminder.
Choose a Holiday Item
For Super Bowl Sunday, a drink mixer would be great. Or coasters, or some snacks, but anything that shows you are thinking about them is helpful. For a holiday, like say 4th of July, some beverage koozies and sunglasses are great (but they are great anytime of the year, of course). Christmas is a huge time for referral sources, since gifts are already expected. Stockings, ornaments, or lights, and of course mugs, but also blankets for the cold. Anything that can make winter days better for gift receivers are the best items.
Small Gifts for Businesses
Additionally, remember that these gifts aren’t just used by the business, but sometimes by the businesses clients. In these situations, things like pens come in handy, especially if they’re customized, like wooden pens for example. But keep in mind if the business gives them away, it will likely not be for the purpose of a referral, but for the purpose of brand exposure. Different purpose, and something that has to be considered. So whether it will make their day better, or make their office more enjoyable, if you can give them something that reminds them of you, you are using your referral gifts wisely.
Not sure where to pick up customized promotional products? Contact RiverCity Screenprinting & Embroidery in San Marcos or Austin, TX for more information about customized clothing and products.